суббота, 13 декабря 2014 г.

Обзор игрушек - Deep Sea Adventure Extreme Predator

Deep Sea Adventure Extreme Predator Playset
Илья рассказывает и показывает свой набор игрушек Deep Sea, это батискаф, осьминог, подводники и многое другое.
Since Steve Alten´s MEG novel, I was hoping for a set just like this. Better yet, one that would introduce a deep sea vehicle. And here it was.
With brilliant and catchy graphics, this is a promising toy set. One of their finest playsets of 2007 with a couple of deep sea "monsters" to put in between the eels and joe divers.
The only included accessory for this set, the big net.
Included animals: Viperfish, giant Crab and giant Octopus.
 Action shots. The head can be filled with liquid and when pressed, comes out under pressure. The tentacles rotate to grab its prey.
Figure: Deep sea diver "Copperhead". Very well sculpted. Too bad about CM articulation limitations. But, there´s always ways to go around that...
When equipped, turns out to be very cool.
Vehicle: "UW Explorer". A deepsea sub, it´s filled with small entertaining details. A must-have for sure.
Action shots. I´m quite certain many of you 3 3/4" figures enthusiasts are thinking of tons of situations where to use this baby...
Bottom and top views. With a small touch, this vehicle may be on its way to Chap Mei´s Hall of Fame.

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